FAQs by Prospective Families
We appreciate that parents/carers visiting our school for the first time and having to make a choice about which school to apply for their child will have many questions and concerns. Please see below for the answer to some of the most commonly asked questions on school tours. We may not have answered all of your questions here but you will have opportunities to ask further questions during your virtual tour or via the school office by email admin@swinggate.herts.sch.uk
If you cannot find an answer to your questions, please contact the office and we will update the page.
Wraparound Care
A We have a Breakfast Club run by the school that is open from 07:30 to 08:30 daily and an after school club that is open from 15:30 to 17:45 daily. For Nursery age children we also have 30-hour provision and parents can pay for extra time and sessions as needed.
A They both cost £7 an hour.
A Currently the capacity is up to 20 children for Breakfast Club and 30 children for After School Club, but there is capacity to increase numbers if the demand is there.
A Our 30 hours provision for Nursery is only for Voles until 15:00. Our After-School Club is a mixed year group set up.
A With parents permission we share dietary and medical needs with the staff who run these sessions and they can all be catered for.
A In the Early Years we follow the Early Years Foundation Stage statutory framework and in Key Stage One we follow the National Curriculum as do the majority of schools. Overall we have an experiential learning approach. We have made informed decisions about how we deliver this as a school. For example, we use the Mastery approach for mathematics and use Talk for Writing to promote writing across the curriculum. In the Early Years planning is led by the children’s needs and interests whilst covering all areas of the curriculum and the skills that the children need.
A We see every child as an individual and support them as individuals in a personalised way that best meets their needs. We are proactive in adjusting provision and the environment so that is fully accessible for all children and meets their needs. We have close links with key professionals who can offer further support and guidance as needed.
A We have a therapeutic behaviour management approach, which teaches children the principles of good behaviour. See our behaviour policy.
A The majority to move to The Thomas Coram CofE School. However, over the past few years we have had children move to Chesham Preparatory School, Berkhamsted School, Lockers Park Preparatory School, Westbrook Hay and Abbots Hill Independent School.
A All children wear uniform to school and this is listed in the school prospectus.
A You can buy key items of uniform from our uniform provider PL Schoolwear based in Hemel hempstead. They offer free delivery to school every week, home delivery (charges apply) or you can visit their store in Bennett's End in Hemel.
A You can find our further information on our school day page.
A We are a nut and egg free school. Any child who is at risk of anaphylactic shock will need a medical plan which is shared with school staff. All staff are trained in recognising and managing the signs of an allergic reaction.
A If your child needs to have medication at school you must complete a form at the school office. If your child has asthma, inhalers are given to the child as needed and this will be recorded. All staff are trained in supporting children who have asthma. We ask that medication at school is kept to a minimum and if antibiotics are prescribed for less than four times a day we suggest this can be organised out of school time. You can drop into school to administer a lunch-time dose if your child needs four doses per day. All medication held on school premises is kept secure.
A Children have access to drinking water in school. Each child is encouraged to bring a water bottle to school and can access this as needed.
Swing Gate Lane, Berkhamsted, Hertfordshire HP4 2LJ
01442 863913