Swing Gate Infant School and Nursery

Little Deers After School Club

At Swing Gate School our very popular Ofsted rated 'Good' After School Club is run by Little Deers, who also provide our 30 hour wraparound care for Nursery children. The recent inspection report is available to view here.

The After School Club (ASC) runs daily from 15:15- 17:45. 

The cost of this service is £17 per session including a light tea during the ASC.

If you would like to enquire about reserving your child a place in our Little Deers After School Club for this year, please contact the Little Deers team directly on 07756 985715 or email littledeers@swinggate.herts.sch.uk

Alternatively, download the form and post in the Little Deers postbox in the front entrance foyer at school.


Swing Gate Lane, Berkhamsted, Hertfordshire HP4 2LJ

01442 863913
