** Welcome to the spring term 2 **
Welcome to Year 2
Teaching Team: Miss Parry (Badgers Class) Mrs Wells (Badgers Class) Mrs Hier (Foxes Class) |
Teaching Assistants: Mrs Bowers (Foxes Class) Mrs Holmes (Foxes Class) Mrs Di Giuseppe (Badgers Class) Mrs Turner (Badgers Class) |
Welcome Back! This half term our theme is ‘Castles’.
The classes will find out about what happened in 1066, when England was invaded and conquered by the Normans. They will learn about William the Conqueror. The children will explore the Bayeux Tapestry and think about the construction of castles.
As part of our topic, we are hoping to organise an exciting ‘Castle Day’ where the children will take part in a range of activities to understand what life would have been like 400 years ago. We are also planning to visit Berkhamsted Castle. For this, your child may like to dress up in a costume linked to castles. More information will follow.
In English, the children will learn about 'Traditional Tales'. We will focus on different versions of the story of 'Rapunzel'. It might be useful to read different fairy tales at home, including modern versions of the traditional stories. Later, the children will find out about the features of non-chronological reports. Key skills of handwriting, spelling and punctuation will continue to be a focus. You can support your child by continuing to learn the spelling of Key Stage One common exception words (see below).
In mathematics, the children will explore 2D and 3D shapes. They will then learn about fractions. Towards the end of the half term, we hope to explore the concept of telling the time on analogue clocks. Children should recognise o’clock, half past, quarter past and quarter to times. We have found that the children who are most confident are those who regularly tell the time, including at home. Therefore, it would be useful for your child to own a watch with a clock face and to have a visible analogue clock in your home. Books including clocks, such as ‘The Bad Tempered Ladybird’, may also be helpful. There are lots more suggestions for books at TIME TELLING & DAYS OF THE WEEK - MathsThroughStories.org
If you have any questions, please drop off a note or arrange a convenient appointment. We can be contacted on our class email addresses
badgers-teacher@swinggate.herts.sch.uk or foxes-teacher@swinggate.herts.sch.uk which will be checked on a weekly basis. For more urgent queries please email the office.
We look forward to a happy, active and inspired half term.
Thank you for your support.
The Year 2 Team
Swing Gate Lane, Berkhamsted, Hertfordshire HP4 2LJ
01442 863913