Swing Gate Infant School and Nursery

**This week our learning theme is … ‘how do we ...?**


Welcome to Voles Class (EYFS Unit)Image result for vole silhouette


Teacher: Mrs Hardwick  
Early Years Practitioner:

Mrs Ray

Mrs Clarke 

Welcome to the spring term in the Nursery class 

Our learning theme for each week is guided by the children.

Week beginning 6.1.24

The theme this week is - ‘how do we ...?' 

(This will continue over two weeks)

red letters neon light

These are some the things that we will be learning about and exploring.




Luca asked “how do we make chocolate cake?” We will introduce today’s activity by telling the children that we have received an email from a friend, Belinda Baker. We will read the email to the children, which explains that Belinda made a special cake for a party today but she burnt it in the oven. She needs to make a new one but hasn’t got enough time to buy the ingredients. So, she has asked you to get the ingredients for her. We will ask the children - Have you ever helped to make a cake? What ingredients did you use? We will tell the children that Belinda Baker has sent us a recipe but we need to create a shopping list. We will show the children a pre-prepared shopping list saying ‘This shopping list shows me all the different things that I need to buy for Belinda Baker. Now, I won’t forget anything.’ Adults will read the recipe, showing the children the number and group of each item. For example - we need two bags of flour. We will follow the children’s suggestions on how ‘two’ could be recorded next to the flour picture. We will ask one of the children to come and make the marks of their choice and then all children will have a go at recording using their template. We will repeat this with each ingredient, focusing on ‘how many’ and recording this in their own way. Throughout we will remind the children to use the pinch and flick technique and an appropriate grip with their pen. At the end they will also need to write their names on their piece of work.


Today we will begin by playing ‘Floor is Lava’ - both Reece and Henry wanted to know about how to escape lava! We will introduce this by explaining to the children that we are setting them a challenge - when adults call “floor is lava” they need to be off the floor standing or sitting on something that is safe. Once we have played this a few times and the challenge is ended – Jigsaw Jenie will talk to the children about how hard that was, how they achieved their goal and one thing that was especially tricky. Then Jigsaw Jenie will ask how they found that challenge. How did it make them feel? Was it easy? We will explain that we are proud of how they kept trying. Then we will read ‘giraffes can’t dance’ a story about not giving up and keeping trying in the face of a challenge. Then we will talk about how sometimes we may come across things that are difficult. We will discuss how we could overcome them, working together, not giving up etc. If we were to do the challenge again – what could we do to help us to do it better?


Bertie and Ivy asked about ‘how do we fly?’ We will talk about different ways that people can fly - in a plane, hot air balloon etc. Then we will remind the children about the story that we read yesterday (Superhero Hotel) and the superpowers that we found about - one of which was flying. Today the children are going to each create a picture and caption of themselves as a flying Superhero. We will show them how to use ‘mashcam’ on Purple Mash to take a photo and add it to a Superhero. We will show them how to make the image larger and smaller. Finally adults will model how to type in their name using the keyboard. Each child will then have the opportunity to use the Chromebooks to create their own picture and label. We will give them their name cards for support - explaining that the initial letter will look different on the keyboard. We will support them in finding each letter to type.


The children will be changing for PE so please ensure that PE kits are in school. This term PE will be taught by Superstar sports. Today the children will be exploring different ways of using their hands to move with a ball. They will explore different ways of pushing a ball. They will also develop understanding of the meaning of the word ‘control’ and start to understand why it is important to keep the ball close to them.

Shared reading; Thursday 9th

Word aware words: 

The poem this week is; I can build a snowman

Our counting song: ten apples on my head

Show and tell: a New Year’s resolution

Class letter: click hereFree Cartoon Letter Cliparts, Download Free Cartoon Letter ...

Home Learning links

What the children say... 

We ask the children about what they’d like to explore, play with and learn about over each week. All ideas are interwoven through planning. 

The children also have the opportunity to discuss what they would like for role play - we will be changing from the spider house.

Effective Questioning Techniques - IEEE-USA InSight

Other areas of learning in Nursery include....


PE day is on a Friday for this half term.

Please can all children have a named PE kit in a bag.

Computing brown and white long coated small dog wearing eyeglasses on black laptop computer

Throughout the year we will be planning open-ended activities in a technology rich environment to enable the children to have opportunities to explore, tinker and develop their ideas through active learning. We will provide a range of simple technology resources, these will be available for children to explore through their play and during adult led activities. The resources will include real, play and safe/defunct devices to support children’s understanding of technology in the world. We will promote safe and careful use of resources and understanding of who to tell if any use of technology makes them feel uncomfortable.

Other experiences will include

  • exploring programmes and games which require drag and drop skills
  • looking at different uses of technology in
    school and at home
  • using chromebooks, iPads and Mini
    mash (on Purple Mash).



RE will be explored partly through short periods of Adult Directed Activities which highlight key festivals, figures, celebrations, religious symbols and religious vocabulary with reference to children’s own experiences and also through the children's own Child Initiated Play.

This half term we will focus on 'What celebrations do I know about and celebrate?' We will start with what children may know or understand about the 1st January being a time of celebration for many. It makes the point that Christmas is Christian in origin, but New Year is secular. The sessions then look at Persian and Chinese New Year to give the children an understanding of different cultures and celebrations. It then moves on to Holi (A Sanatani Festival) and how this is celebrated now (not the original story). 



Swing Gate Lane, Berkhamsted, Hertfordshire HP4 2LJ

01442 863913
