Welcome to our Reception Classes
Teaching Team Miss Oliver Mrs Fitzgerald Mrs Paynter
Support Staff Miss Hardwick Miss Shaw Mrs Gardener Mrs Edwards Miss Draper |
Week beginning: 3rd March 2025
Squirrels Class weekly theme Pancake Day & World Book Day
Owls Class weekly theme Pancake Day & World Book Day |
Notices for the week:
Tuesday 4th March - special class pets arrive in school ready to learn about the life cycle of the butterfly!
Thursday 7th March - Forest School - please send your child in with appropriate footwear
Thursday 7th March 14:40pm - Shared Reading - come and join us for some stories in the classroom.
Friday 8th March - World Book Day celebration in school - come to school dressed in your pjs, dressing gown and slippers or other comfy clothing. Children can also bring in their favourite book from home (please ensure the books are named).
Our Learning this week includes:
Literacy - This week we we are taking a break from our Very Hungry Caterpillar unit to celebrate World Book Day and Pancake Day. We start the week sharing a story called The Runaway Pancake and will talk about what happens in the story. We will also discuss what speech bubbles are, when they're used and how we can write one. Across the week the children will have a chance at writing their own speech bubbles for the characters in the story - what would the lady be shouting to the pancake?! They will also complete independent tasks including writing their own sentences for story book pages, writing a list of pancake toppings and sharing their own favourite stories on our World Book Day celebration on Friday.
Maths - This week the children will focus on further developing the skill of comparison. They will be encouraged to focus exclusively on ordinality, considering where numbers to 8 are in relation to each other.
Language is a key focus and adults will need to model the language of ‘more than’, ‘less than’ and ‘equal to’ to describe the relationships between numbers. This week, ‘less than’ is used instead of ‘fewer than’ when the focus is on each number’s position in the counting sequence.
EAD - Linked to our World Book Day celebrations the children will have the chance to find their favourite story book and then have a go at drawing their own front cover for it. We will use these pictures to decorate our classroom and class library.
UW - We will look at the traditions of Pancake Day and what it means for some people. We will also take part in some pancakes races in the school hall - using a rubber mat for our pretend pancake and a tennis racket for our pretend frying pan!
Phonics sounds of the week | Song of the week | Words of the week |
Poem of the week |
Recap of phase 3 digraphs | 5 crispy pancakes | capital letter, finger space, full stop |
Mix a pancake |
Our termly Class letter is viewable here
What the children say...
In our EYFS unit we plan according to the children's interests. We spend time talking to the children, asking them what they already know and what they would like to find out.
Our weekly themes are led by the children. Each week we share ideas and then pick a theme for the coming week.
Our PE days are:
- Wednesday (am) Squirrels
- Thursday (am) Owls
- Friday (am) both classes
RE learning
In Religious Education, we will be learning about different celebrations and festivals which link to the heritage of some of the children.
Swing Gate Lane, Berkhamsted, Hertfordshire HP4 2LJ
01442 863913